Ch 2 Page cover

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the extremely long hiatus! Life has been full of events since I last posted. I've spent a lot of time since the last chapter, developing my artistic skills, working on my mental health, and working to get to a better spot in life.
I'm extremely happy to be posting the cover of Chapter 2 - The Gather!
Here, we see Mark entering a bustling city after the evacuation from their home. What new world awaits him within the walls of Eyru? (Pronounced like eye-ru)

Remember, you can purchase the whole first chapterHERE

I'm likely going to start up a patreon as well, where I will be posting lore from my story that you won't be able to find anywhere else!
Let me know if that's something ya'll would be interested in.

One thought on “Ch 2 Page cover

  1. The new cover looks great, as does the new website design!! <3 Excited for more Ruin!!

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